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Using Powershell commands
Many items can be managed in the Package Manager console program of Visual Studio
2012. Just as we add commands to the NServiceBus.Host.exe file to extend profiles
and configurations, we may also use VS2012 Package Manager to extend some of the func-
tionalities while debugging and testing. We will use the ScaleOut solution discussed later
just to double check that the performance counters are installed correctly. We need to make
sure that the PowerShell commandlets are installed correctly first. We do this by using
Package Manager:
Install the package, NServiceBus.PowerShell
Import the module, .\pack-
Test NServiceBusPerformanceCountersInstallation
The "Import module" step is dependent on where NService.PowerShell.dll was
installed during the "Install package" process. The "Install-package" command will add the
DLL into a package directory related to the solution. We can find out more on PowerShell
commandlets at
shell and even by reviewing the help section of Package Manager.
Here, we see that we can insert configurations into App.config when we look at the
help section, PM> get-help about_NServiceBus .
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