Database Reference
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NSB in the mobile world
While, one day, there may be the possibility of using MSMQ on the Windows Phone oper-
ating system or using RabbitMQ queues and MySQL inside Android devices as native ap-
plications, it may not seem practical as ESBs handle backend processing. These may be
possible features for running NSB on the phone, but the purpose of NSB is to establish an
SOA through the use of a C# ESB.
With the rise of different operating systems on the phones, be it iOS for the iPhone and
iPad, or be it Java Android for the Android phones and the Windows Phone and tablet op-
erating systems, many developers are turning towards "write-once run-anywhere". This is a
tagline used for the Java programming language, the Mono development platform from
Xamarin to use C# on different systems, to more recently the use of writing games for the
web browser using HTML5 and PhoneGap. In HTML5, many of the native capabilities of
mobile devices are available. In PhoneGap, you can tap into more native mobile phone cap-
abilities better than HTML5. With HTML5, you can leverage Microsoft MVC as we have
done in many examples; the difference is now that you are upgrading your HTML to Ver-
sion 5, and using JavaScript APIs to support phone functionality.
In this scenario, NSB is interacting with Microsoft MVC as it has in many examples in this
topic, but now, Microsoft MVC is utilizing HTML5 for mobile development in Visual Stu-
dio. There are many extensions to assist in HTML5 development with Visual Studio for
MVC, such as Mobile Ready HTML5 MVC.NET at ht-
tp:// .
NSB becomes an even more valuable framework for decoupling the frontend interaction
from the backend processing. For instance, you may be playing a game, and want to pay
for the game. Decoupling the frontend will allow you to make a payment for the game in-
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