Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Introducing the cloud and NSB
At the beginning of this chapter, NSB Version 5.0 for Azure is in beta. This chapter will ex-
plain how to use NSB without DTC. NSB is getting integrated more and more into the
Azure queues and Azure SQL Server, but the evolution will likely involve Big Data as
well. Just as computers were using 4 MB of RAM in the past, and now more than 16 GB of
RAM is pretty normal, queuing of data will increase as well. Basic Big Data through dat-
abus has been around for some time; however, payment engines and customer databases are
always in the need of processing large files to transfer data and funds. To understand the
cloud is to understand the offloading of queuing, small data, and large data into cloud serv-
ers, which are managed through cloud wizards. This results in a loss of the on-premise
viewing of fine details to some degree, as the remote servers are dependent on the cloud
The NSB tools are also adapting. ServiceInsight has grown to handle more details with se-
quence diagrams for debugging outside of Visual Studio and MSMQ as well. The tools are
moving from being integrated locally into a physical server to being integrated into a re-
mote server where many of the details of the server itself may be less important as servers
are virtualized offsite. For instance, in the future, ServiceInsight will add saga sequence
diagrams to add more detail than the current flow diagrams. The following sequence dia-
gram shows what is in store for ServiceInsight:
However, DTC is not supported in many cloud technology queues and RabbitMQ, but en-
hancements are being made in NSB Version 5 and above to compensate this, mostly by
keeping track of messages that have either already been processed or about to be processed
in the transactional integrity of tables.
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