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Message handler unit testing
The message handler code will be in the unit test itself. From our \BasicWCF2\MVCApp
- WCF\UnitTestHandlers\ project, where we have various unit tests, we will use
this unit test, to debug, test, and walk through EventMessageHandler . The
EventMessageHandler receives SendCommand from MVCApp , via the saga, loads
XML messages, selects one if it has found one, and sends it to the WCF server, which will
respond back to the saga.
We proceed with creating UnitTestHandler2.cs , and then add the header informa-
tion and [TestMethod] . This will be under BasicWCF2 in the UnitTestHandlers
After the base of the file is created, we will create a normal message, SendCommand , with
GUID and state that will inform where the message should be at before reaching the
message handler called command .
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