Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The SQL queuing sample
We have already explored MSMQ in previous chapters. Wouldn't it be nice to store the
messages in MySQL or SQL Server instead, and not worry so much about tooling for
MSMQ if the database is already tooled? Also, you can consolidate all the data into a data-
base, thus not having multiple products to maintain. MSMQ is a product, and makes more
used of database tools for these programs.
In this section, we will be using NserviceBus.SqlServer.Samples-mas-
ter\VideoStore.SqlServer , which is described in the SQL Queuing sample. The
sample runs a video store for SQL queuing to order videos.
The solution was run in VS 2012 in Windows Server 2012, with MSMQ, DTC, NSer-
viceBus references, and SQL Server 2012 Express LocalDB installed.
Running the example, , we
see that the queues are now created in the nservicebus table instead of the MSMQ.
We can see that the audit message queue in SQL Server is filling up with messages; this is
because audit logging is turned on via the registry and app.config . See ht-
tp:// .
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