Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The saga is aware of its originator; it knows that it needs to match RequestId because
of the mapping, and the bus keeps an internal ID to keep all the sagas unique. All the
sagas must have the Id , Originator , and OriginalMessageId fields that the bus
will use to keep track of the saga. Here, we also have a [Unique] attribute to ensure that
RequestId is kept unique to ensure that the map is made to return to the correct saga.
The EndpointConfig.cs file of the MySaga project contains the Init() method.
This function contains the initial configuration of the endpoint for the IBus. The endpoint
will default to the namespace of the project; for instance, in this case, MySaga will be the
endpoint as it is associated with the namespace.
However, you may explicitly define your endpoints on IBus with Config-
ure.With().DefineEndpointName("MyEndpoint"); , where MyEndpoint
is the IBus' endpoint to be defined.
As always, the NSB IBus will create the appropriate endpoints if defined correctly. Here,
we have it based on the different projects' namespaces in the solution. The different pro-
jects are MySaga , AppforApprovalsLevel1 , AppforApprovalsLevel2 , Ap-
pForSubmittingRequests , and AppForAccountingDept . Note that NSB will
create them in lowercase and it will also create the appropriate timeout, error, and audit
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