Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Another parameter, $cfg['RecodingEngine'] , specifies the actual recoding engine,
the choices being auto , iconv , and recode . If it is set to auto , phpMyAdmin will
first try the iconv module, and then the recode module.
Character Sets
When it is connected to a pre-MySQL 4.1.x server, phpMyAdmin has limited
support for character set conversion. Currently we can specify which character set
applies to a query and its results. The character set used by default is defined by the
following parameter.
$cfg['DefaultCharset'] = 'iso-8859-1';
This is only the default choice; users may always select another character set from
the choices listed in this parameter (the actual parameter in
contains more):
$cfg['AvailableCharsets'] = array(
These choices are displayed to users in the same order as that defined in the
parameter $cfg['AvailableCharsets'] , so, we can move the more popular choices
to the top. Any character set supported by the iconv or recode recoding engines
may be used.
If we are using phpMyAdmin 2.6.0 or newer, and $cfg['AllowAnywhereRecoding'
] has been left set to its default value FALSE , we will see the following on the
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