Databases Reference
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From the authors table menu, we select Import , and then CSV .
We can influence the behavior of the import in a number of ways. By default,
importing does not modify existing data (based on primary or unique keys), but
the Replace table data with file option instructs phpMyAdmin to use REPLACE
statements instead of INSERT ; statement so that existing rows are replaced with the
imported data.
With Ignore duplicate rows , INSERT IGNORE statements are generated. These cause
MySQL to ignore any duplicate key problems during insertion. A duplicate key from
the import file does not replace existing data, and the procedure continues for the
next line of CSV data.
We can then specify the character that terminates each field, the character that
encloses data, and the character that escapes the enclosing character. Usually this is
\ . For example, for a double quote enclosing character, if the data field contains a
double quote, it must be expressed as "some data \" some other data" .
For Lines terminated by , recent versions of phpMyAdmin offer the auto choice,
which should be tried first as it automatically detects the end-of-line character. We
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