Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
File Name Template
The name of the proposed file will obey the File name template . In this template, we
can use the special __ SERVER__, __DB__ and __TABLE__ placeholders, which will
be replaced by the current server, database or table name (for a single-table export).
Note that there are two underscore characters before and after the words. We can
also use any special character from the PHP strftime function; this is useful for
generating an export file based on the current date or hour. Finally we can put any
other string of characters (not part of the strftime special characters), which will be
used literally. The file extension is generated according to the type of export. In this
case, it will be .sql . Here are some examples for the template:
__DB__ would generate dbbook.sql
__DB__-%Y%m%d gives dbbook-20031206.sql
The remember template option, when activated, stores the entered template settings
into cookies (for database, table, or server exports) and brings them back the next
time we use the same kind of export.
The default templates are configurable, via the following parameters:
$cfg['Export']['file_template_table'] = '__TABLE__';
$cfg['Export']['file_template_database'] = '__DB__';
$cfg['Export']['file_template_server'] = '__SERVER__';
To save transmission time and get a smaller export file, phpMyAdmin can compress
to zip , gzip , or bzip2 formats. phpMyAdmin has native support for the zip format,
but the gzip and bzip2 formats work only if the PHP server has been compiled with
the --with-zlib or --with-bz2 configuration option, respectively. The following
parameters control which compression choices are presented in the panel:
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