Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Current anticancer treatments are used because they balances the risk-to-
benefit ratio. A minimally effective treatment is allowed because it is better
than the alternative of death. Along with this perspective, chemotherapy could
be compared to lobotomies. When a cure for cancer is achieved, chemotherapy
will look similarly barbaric in retrospect.
The desired effect of targeted drug delivery is to increase the therapeutic
index by delivering the drug to the tumor and not to other organs. There are
clever technologies addressing specific problems. Sometimes, changes can be
made to environments that are less ideal for drug delivery. The ability to track
and provide in-depth characterization, such as better assays for compatibility
and stability in whole blood, are important for all of these drug carriers. By
combining technologies into multifunctional approaches there is more hope of
solving a complex problem like cancer. However, in order to be successful in
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