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testBatters = new BatterImpl[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
testBatters[i] = new BatterImpl();
System.out.println("Test setup successfully complete");
* Initialize the test cases that will be used for these tests. Each object
* will be given a random number of at-bats ranging from 0-100; if the
* number of at-bats is less than 10, we increment the number by 10 to
* ensure that each test case has the minimum number of at-bats. Then each
* at-bat will be given a random result, which will be recorded by a call to
* the {@link BatterImpl.atBat()} method.
* @param batterImpl
* The batter object being initialized
private void initBatter(BatterImpl batter) {
int numbats;
HashMap<Integer, AtBatResult> resultsTable
= new HashMap<Integer, AtBatResult>();
resultsTable.put(0, AtBatResult. strikeOut );
resultsTable.put(1, AtBatResult. fieldOut );
resultsTable.put(2, AtBatResult. base1 );
resultsTable.put(3, AtBatResult. base2 );
resultsTable.put(4, AtBatResult. base3 );
resultsTable.put(5, AtBatResult. base4 );
resultsTable.put(6, AtBatResult. walk );
resultsTable.put(7, AtBatResult. reachOnError );
resultsTable.put(8, AtBatResult. sacrifice );
numbats = dataGen.nextInt(100);
if (numbats < 10)
numbats += 10;
for (int i = 0; i < numbats; i++) {
This will give us an array of 100 batter objects that we can use to test all of our methods that
return batting statistics. We randomly assign a number of at-bats for each batter, but make sure
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