Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
Under the Sketch tab, you will get the following options:
Verify / Compile : This allows you to compile and verify your code. This checks
whether your code can actually be turned into a program that can be run on Ardu-
ino before you try and upload it to the hardware.
Show Sketch Folder : This will open a window that shows all of the sketches in
the default directory.
Add File… : This allows you to add a file to your sketch. Now that may seem odd
because you may have assumed that a sketch is a file. But a sketch can contain
code that is not just in one file but in several files. We will cover this feature later
in the chapter.
Import Library… : This is an important option as it allows you to bring in code
capabilities that someone else developed; often this is associated with additional
hardware that you want to access. Arduino already comes with a large number of
functions that you have access to. You don't have to write these sets of code be-
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