Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Isolines of the electric (a) and magnetic (b) fields generated by a
current dipole.
solving the following medical problems and diseases:
Brain tumors, head injury, stroke
Psychiatric diseases
Sleep disorders
CNS disorders, e.g., cerebral anoxia, cerebral inflammatory processes, cere-
bral palsy
Creutzfeld-Jacob disease, metabolic nervous system disorders
Developmental disorders
Testing of psychotropic and anticonvulsant drugs
Monitoring alertness, e.g., controlling anaesthesia depth
Testing sensory pathways
Another application of EEG concerns design of brain machine interfaces for di-
rect communication between brain and computer and then possibly with specific
devices. In the investigation of brain processes, especially perception and cognitive
functions usually ERPs are analyzed, since they supply information on the reaction
of the brain to specific external or internal stimuli. ERPs are also used for testing
the sensory pathways, in psychiatric diseases, and developmental disorders, e.g., in
dyslexia diagnosis.
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