Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Embedding platform DLLs
The only other method to enable the platform features in your Unity project is to create
your platform class library and embed that library in your project.
To enable this, Unity has even more special folders in the Assets folders. The root
folder of this structure is the Plugins folder, shown as follows:
Plugins (editor plugins)
Plugins\x86 (Pro only)
Plugins\x86_64 (Pro only)
On the mobile platforms, Plugins are supported in the free version.
You will need Unity Pro to build plugins for desktop systems (targeted at x86/x64/any
Plugins are not supported on the current web player for security reasons; there's no in-
formation yet whether this will also be true for WebGL in U5.
To enable your plugin to work for each platform, you will need to install it in each of the
previous folders per platform.
However, on the .NET platforms, you also need an attritional editor plugin (explained in
detail in the next section) that provides the basic interface for your plugin due to the way
.NET plugins are compiled.
The editor plugin (.NET only)
The editor plugin is just a shell or interface for how your plugin will operate. Unity will
use this while in the editor for testing/editing purposes.
The mock interface needs to resemble what your real plugin interface will look like in or-
der for other scripts and code to be able to access the real plugin on each platform.
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