Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Lastly, change the shader the material uses to the Transparent/Diffuse shader by clicking
on the dropdown next to the Shader property of the BloodSplatter material, and then
navigate to Transparent | Diffuse .
Your material should now look like the following screenshot:
Restructuring the Goblin prefab
Now, because of the way the 2D animation system works, animating child objects from a
parent is fine; animating the child of child objects does not work, and also animating both
the parent and the child does not work as well. Basically, the transforms and parentage do
not play nice together.
This isn't a big issue; it just means you need to plan ahead more when you create objects
that will have multiple sprites or supporting objects that will all interact on the same anim-
To start off, perform the following steps:
1. Create a new and empty game object in the scene called GoblinEnemy .
2. Drag the existing Goblin prefab from Assets\Prefabs\Characters on to
the scene as a child of the new and empty game object (so we can reuse it); be
sure to reset the transform on the new child.
3. Delete the old prefab; we don't need it any more.
4. Remove the Animator , EnemyController , and Box Collider 2D
scripts from the old Goblin prefab and add them on to the new and empty game
object called GoblinEnemy , setting them up as before. There are some com-
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