Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
The following extensions at the end of the current script are just for simplicity, but you
could define them anywhere:
• Convert any Vector3 in to a 2D Vector3 with a zero z value
• Convert a screen space coordinate and return a Vector2 for 2D
• Convert a screen space coordinate and return a Vector3 with a zero z value for 2D
The this keyword signifies that this is an extension method, allowing the function to be
accessed by calling the function normally:
var clickPoint =
Otherwise, you could directly access the function from the type identified by the this
var clickPoint =
Input.mousePosition .GetScreenPositionFor2D();
Extension methods are a very powerful and easy way to extend functions and methods on
to existing object types. For more information on extension methods, visit ht-
tp:// .
Managing input
With our helpers in place, next we'll create a new MapMovement script in the project un-
der Assets\Scripts and replace its contents with the following:
using UnityEngine;
public class MapMovement : MonoBehaviour
Vector3 StartLocation;
Vector3 TargetLocation;
float timer = 0;
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