Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
the Codeweavers web site for a variety of porting options that might help you with this
sort of problem.
H.264 on the Web
To deploy video with web and online services, our most popular choices are Real
Networks and Windows Media. QuickTime is another possibility, and while it is excellent
and is deployed on many platforms, there are not as many services running QuickTime as
there are running Real Networks and Windows Media.
It is very likely that support for H.264 will become dominant. In the fullness of
time, Real Networks, Windows Media, and QuickTime will all very likely support it in
their players. That does not prevent them from supporting their proprietary formats
but allows them to interoperate. This is already happening with some players. When
all three players offer H.264 capability and AAC
audio support, there will be no rea-
son at all to go with a proprietary format. This suggests that H.264 is a good choice for
going forward.
An open-source implementation of an open standard gives you total freedom to buy
the server from one party and the client player from another and to use authoring tools
from a variety of vendors. The server is then deployed on any of the three major platforms
(Windows, Linux, or Macintosh). Users can view your content on any platform that has a
viable H.264 player.
If It Won't Go on the Web, Let's Broadcast It Instead
The other major audience for our content will be TV viewers. They may be receiving our
video through a broadcast TV system or over a broadband network connection. The
broadband solution is becoming more likely as a future mainstream TV conduit.
In the next chapter we will look at how digital TV services work. This is important
because it deals with issues of what happens to video after a compressor encodes it.
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