Image Processing Reference
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Alternative-Rights Approaches
Some organizations are developing new ways to define rights that allow more open access
to end users. These are designed specifically to allow content to be copied and reused. An
interesting definition and quite detailed explanation of copyrights and public-domain
ownership can be found at the Fact-Index Web site.
As copyrights expire or materials are found to be out of copyright, a growing com-
munity of Web users are assembling archives of material that is freely available. An inter-
esting archive of movies and video content is accessible through the Internet Archive
project. A large number of movies are available here for downloading at no charge. They
are presented in a variety of formats, which are compatible with home media systems that
you might construct with the currently available technologies.
Creative Commons
This is a completely alternative rights-control mechanism. Creative commons is new and
evolving, but the idea is that you might want to share your work in a less restrictive way
than the traditional copyright technique. There is no active software component; this is
more of an honor-based approach.
A series of rights with special marks similar to the © copyright mark are being devel-
oped. Table 18-2 highlights a few of them.
GNU Copyleft
“Copyleft” is a system designed for protecting free software and making sure that any
derivative works are also free software.
Table 18-2 Some Examples of Creative Commons Rights
Others are permitted to copy, derive, distribute, display, and
perform your copyrighted work only if they give you credit.
Others are permitted to use your work for noncommercial
purposes only.
No derivative works
Only verbatim copies of your work can be used. No derivative
works can be based on it.
Share alike
Others are permitted to use your content but must pass on their
content with the same rights attached.
Definition of public domain:
Internet Archive:
Creative commons:
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