Database Reference
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WHERE object_type = 'event' AND ( = 'CHANNEL' or IS
SELECT event_package = c.object_package_guid, event = c.object_
keyword = v.map_value
FROM sys.dm_xe_object_columns c INNER JOIN sys.dm_xe_map_values v
ON c.type_name = AND c.column_value = v.map_key
AND c.type_package_guid = v.object_package_guid
INNER JOIN sys.dm_xe_objects o ON = c.object_name
AND o.package_guid = c.object_package_guid
WHERE object_type = 'event' AND = 'KEYWORD'
) k
k.event_package = c.event_package AND (k.event=c.event or k.event
INNER JOIN sys.dm_xe_packages p ON p.guid = c.event_package
ORDER BY name,event,keyword desc
This query will list out all the events based on packages, types, and predicates. In SQL Server
2008 R2, the row count is 258.
For more information on Extended Events internal methods, you may refer to http:// .
Implementing Management Data Warehouse
The tools available for monitoring SQL Server performance are useful to obtain the
information. However, on a larger scale they will be limited for automation. In order to carry out
in-depth monitoring and analyzing the data in a graphical way, and in the form of reports, we
may need traditional scripting methods to collect, monitor, and view the required information
in a useful way.
Both the Windows operating system and SQL Server provide a number of tools that can
be used to collect, analyze, monitor, and report performance-related data to some extent
when they are used together. SQL Server 2008 includes the new performance monitoring
warehouse feature called Data Collector and Management Data Warehouse (MDW). The Data
Collector stands by its name to collect performance-related data from multiple sources and
store in a central data warehouse to represent the data through reports in the SSMS tool. The
collection process is performed as an automated administrative method using SQL Server
Agent and SSIS packages.
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