Database Reference
In-Depth Information
F Further, query dbo.sysdac_instances to display information about DAC deployed
to an instance of the database engine. This system catalog queries information from
msdb system database.
F Generates a script to copy data to the new database by performing a comparison for
each table and column that exists in all three sources.
F Generates an INSERT statement to populate tables and columns in the
DAC 2.0 database from the corresponding tables and columns in the original
DAC 1.0 database.
F Disables table constraints in the DAC 2.0 database, by executing the INSERT
statements script and enables constraints that were disabled before.
F Sets the original DAC 1.0 database to read/write mode. Then, renames the
original DAC 1.0 database, where the new name contains the DAC version and
a random string.
F Renames the new DAC 2.0 database to the original database name used by DAC 1.0
and updates msdb to record the upgrade completion.
There's more...
The Management of DACPAC is essential once it has been deployed to an instance of the
database engine, using the SSMS tool. It is also essential to perform regular backups for the
system database to maintain the relationship with DAC.
See also
For more information on new projects and deployment processes refer to the Working with
data-tier applications recipe mentioned in Chapter 1 .
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