Database Reference
In-Depth Information
At the Database Engine Configuration screen:
To select Win32 API streaming access, click on Enable FILESTREAM for
Transact-SQL access
Click on Enable FILESTREAM for I/O streaming access and provide the
windows share name in which the FILESTREAM data will be stored
When a 32-bit SQL Server instance is running on a 64-bit operating
system, we cannot enable FILESTREAM due to environment limitations.
As per the business rules, if there is a plan to allow remote clients to access
this FILESTREAM data, click Allow remote clients to have streaming access
to the FILESTREAM data option
The previous operation can be achieved using the TSQL: EXEC sp_
configure_filestream_access_level, 2
Once the SQL Server installation has finished, enter the following TSQL to
validate the FILESTREAM configuration for the SQL Server instance:
SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('FilestreamShareName') ShareName,
SERVERPROPERTY('FilestreamEffectiveLevel') EffectiveLevel,
SERVERPROPERTY('FilestreamConfiguredLevel') ConfiguredLevel,
The result will be 0 , 1 , or 2 and they will be represented as follows:
Disabled ( 0 ): FILESTREAM access is not permitted
Transact SQL Access Enabled ( 1 ): FILESTREAM data can be accessed
only by TSQL commands
Full Access Enabled ( 2 ): Both TSQL and Win32 access to FILESTREAM
data are permitted
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