Database Reference
In-Depth Information
9. We must supply the value for IACCEPTLICENSETERMS Property Name and all other
names can be left as optional.
10. To install a quiet installation, execute the following code from a command prompt
window to create StreamInsight as a Windows Service:
StreamInsight.msi /quiet /log SI_install_log.
PRODUCTKEY=00000-00000-00000-00000-00000 CREATESERVICE=1
11. For the full functionality of StreamInsight, we need to install a new version of SQL
Server Compact edition 3.5 Service Pack2.
12. Ensure you remove any previous versions of SQL Server Compact using Programs |
Add/Remove Programs option.
13. The installation file for Microsoft SQL Server Compact is located in: C:\Program
Files\Microsoft StreamInsight 1.0\Redist\SSCERuntime-ENU-x86.
msi .
14. From Start | Run, enter the path to install the file mentioned previously. The SQL
Server Compact 3.5 SP2 installation is a self-explanatory process, which will install
the required StreamInsight components and adapters.
15. To install client package the process is to enter the following text as a
command-line operation:
StreamInsightClient.msi /quiet /log log.txt
This completes the required installation of the StreamInsight package at server side and SQL
Server Compact 3.5 SP2 edition to implement the StreamInsight onto your existing SQL Server
2008 R2 platform.
How it works...
Microsoft StreamInsight supports two deployment scenarios for StreamInsight server:
F Full integration into StreamInsight application as a hosted DLL
F A standalone server with multiple StreamInsight applications that run as a wrapper or
can be packaged as a Windows service
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