Database Reference
In-Depth Information
3. Click New SQL Server Stand-Alone Installation or Add Features to an
Existing Installation.
4. When the prerequisites are installed, the Installation Wizard runs the SQL Server
Installation Center, click Next.
5. The System Configuration Checker runs a discovery to validate the computer
configuration before the setup operation completes.
On the Feature Role page, select SQL Server Feature Installation, and then click
Next to continue to the Feature Selection page.
On the Feature Selection page, select the components Reporting Services and
Business Intelligence Development Studio for your installation.
8. For the server-side component installation, check Database Engine Services,
Reporting Services, and Management Tools.
9. Select service account information and enter their credentials. It is recommended
that you use a different service account for each service.
10. Based on the two selected services, let us now choose the installation mode
for SSRS.
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