Database Reference
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EXEC sp_adddistpublisher @publisher, @security_mode=1,
@publisher_type = 'MSSQLSERVER';
Let us change the history retention period and maximum retention period:
-- Change the history retention period to 24 hours and the
-- maximum retention period to 48 hours.
USE distribution
EXEC sp_changedistributiondb @distributionDB, N'history_
retention', 24
EXEC sp_changedistributiondb @distributionDB, N'max_
distretention', 48
9. From SSMS, navigate to the Replication folder and right-click to choose Launch
replication monitor.
10. Replication monitor displays Publisher groups, publisher, and publications.
In order to view such data, we should add a publisher, which is shown in the
following screenshot:
11. The ability to monitor the replication topology is restricted to SYSADMIN fixed server
role member in addition to the db_owner fixed database role.
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