Database Reference
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Let us change the history retention period and maximum retention period:
-- Change the history retention period to 24 hours and the
-- maximum retention period to 48 hours.
USE distribution
EXEC sp_changedistributiondb @distributionDB, N'history_
retention', 24
EXEC sp_changedistributiondb @distributionDB, N'max_
distretention', 48
All the steps are using the script method process, which is similar to how we use
a Replication wizard from SSMS. The representation of step 4 is shown in the
following screenshot:
Next, we must set the security_mode to configure on the publisher server:
DECLARE @distributor as sysname= convert (sysname,serverproperty('
DECLARE @publisher as sysname;
DECLARE @publisherserver_msg as varchar (50)= 'PublisherServer';
/*Set the Publisher server. Note that both publisher &
distributor will reside on same server */
SET @publisher =@distributor;
SELECT @publisherserver_msg +' '+ @publisher;
USE distributionDB
DECLARE @distributiondb as sysname='distribution';
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