Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The 'attach' phase is the process of making the reporting database available as a scalable
shared database. After the reporting database is built on a set of reporting volumes, the
volumes are marked as read-only and mounted across multiple reporting servers. The
individual reporting server service instance will use the reporting database that is attached.
There's moreā€¦
The Scalable Shared Database feature's best practice recommendation:
F On the basis of hardware, there is no limit on the number of server instances per
database; however, for the shared database configuration, ensure that a maximum of
eight servers per database are hosted.
F The SQL Server instance collation and sort order must be similar across all the
F If the relational or reporting database is spread across the shared servers, then
ensure to test and deploy a synchronized update then a rolling update of the scalable
shared database.
F Also, scaling out this solution is possible in SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services with
the Read-Only Database capability.
Managing SQL Server Replication processes
Whenever we talk about managing SQL Server replication processes, the best practice is
to configure the replication using scripts for better control, using the Replication along with
other high-availability features and Dynamic Management Views to obtain a glimpse of system
resource usage. In this recipe, we will look at the three processes that are important when
managing the SQL Server replication environment effectively.
Scripting the replication process helps to retain the steps to install replication in case you
experience a disaster recovery process. The replication script process can be achieved by using
replication wizard dialog boxes from SQL Server Management Studio, by using Replication
Management Objects (RMO) concepts or by obtaining information using TSQL statements.
In this recipe, we will work on TSQL methods to manage the SQL Server replication process.
Using TSQL methods, gives you more control over the underlying objects generated by the
replication services.
How to do it...
To begin the process of managing the SQL Server replication processes, follow these steps:
Assuming that you have set up the Distributor and Publisher servers, a script can be
executed using Query Editor in SSMS.
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