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where M ( ω ) is the number of phonon modes with ω [27]. On
the other hand, for phonon localization, the phonon-transmission
function decays exponentially with L accordingtothescalinglaw
ξ ( ω ) .
ln ζ ( ω ) =−
In other words, the localization length ξ ( ω )isdefinedbythe
scaling law. To clarify the mechanism for the phonon-transmission
reduction,the L -dependencesofphonontransmissionareplottedin
Fig. 2.9b and c for the two mechanisms, respectively. As Fig. 2.9b
shows, the numerical data of ( ω ) > at ω = 34 cm 1 and 391
cm 1 are well fitted by the dashed lines. In particular, the slope of
thedashedlinefor ω = 34 cm 1 is almost zero, implying that the
mean free path l MFP ( ω ) is very long and the phonon transport is
ballistic at this frequency, as has been discussed above. For
cm 1 , the slope is finite, which indicates that phonon transport
at this frequency is in the diffusive regime. In contrast, at higher
frequencies (
ω =
1071, 1207, and 1513 cm 1 ), the calculated
values deviate from the dashed lines with increasing L , although
they are well fitted in the short- L region. This deviation means that
the phonon-transmission reduction for high- ω phonons of a long- L
SWNT cannot be explained by the diffusive scattering mechanism.
As seen in Fig. 2.9c, the data for ω = 1071, 1207, and 1513 cm 1
are well fitted by the dashed lines in the ( ω ) > plot. We can
thus conclude that the phonon-transmission reduction for high- ω
phonons in a long- L SWNT is caused by Anderson localization of
The mean free path l MFP ( ω ) and the localization length ξ ( ω )can
be estimated from the slope of dashed lines in Figs. 2.9b and c,
respectively. The estimated l MFP ( ω )and ξ ( ω ) for the (5,5) SWNT
with 15% 13 C are presented in Fig. 2.9d. Thus, the three distinct
regimes (ballistic, diffusive, and localization) could be clarified.
Similar results have been obtained for the (8,0) semiconducting
SWNT with 9.4% 14 C. In the following subsections (Section
and Section, we discuss the phonon transport properties of
the diffusiveand the Anderson localizationregimes, respectively.
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