Environmental Engineering Reference
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Figure 1.19 Time dependence of normalized HCACF Cor(t)/Cor(0) (curve
(a,c) draws the zero-axis for reference.
and E denote the standard deviation and mean value of
HCACF in the timeinterval ( t , t + δ ), respectively.
two realizations shown in Fig. 1.18. HCACF exhibits the typical two-
stage decaying characteristics of HCACF, and decays to zero in the
long-time region. As shown in Fig. 1.19b,d, before a critical time,
the relative fluctuation of HCACF F ( t ) maintains a small value (e.g.,
less than 1) and does not change significantly. This indicates that
HCACF is still reliable as it shows no large fluctuation. After the
critical time, F ( t ) suddenly jumps to a large value, and changes
value drastically over time, which is a typical signature of the
dominated by computational error, and thus is no longer reliable.
Therefore, Chen et al. [65] define this critical time (when F ( t )
becomes larger than 1) as the cut-off time, as marked by the green
arrow in Fig. 1.18 and 1.19, and refer this way to estimate τ c as
“first avalanche” (FA) method. The essence of FA is to only take
τ c and
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