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themode n intheoutgoingleadthroughallthescattering interfaces
isdescribe as
2 k III
k I m
τ mn =| t mn |
| t mn |=| S 11 | mn (4.59)
and k I m , k III n is given by Eq. 4.31. Now summing over all the
propagatingmodes n intheoutgoinglead,onegetsthetransmission
coe cient τ m forthe individualincomingmode m at frequency
τ m (
τ mn
n , ω n
with ω n = n π/ W III denoting the cutoff frequency of mode n in
the outgoing lead. Thus, the total transmission coe cient is easily
obtained by the linear summation of the transmission coe cient of
each mode.
τ ( ω ) =
τ m ( ω ).
ω m
m ,
However, for the coupled P-SV waves in the x - y plane, their
displacement determined by Eqs. 4.23 and 4.24 can be obtained
by solving Eqs. 4.8 and 4.11 under the appropriate boundary
conditions.AsshownbyLi et al. [58],themixedboundaryconditions
can be expressed by u y
0 at the edges with T xy
and T zy denoting the stress tensors, and are considered here. Under
these conditions, the displacements in each region ξ ( ξ = I, II and
III)can beexpressed as
T xy
T zy
N ξ
A ξ Pn e ik ξ Pn ( x x ξ )
B ξ Pn e ik ξ Pn ( x x ξ ) ( k ξ Pn ) η n ( y )
u x
+ B SVn e ik SVn ( x x ξ ) n W ξ
η n ( y ) (4.62)
A ξ SVn e ik SVn ( x x ξ )
A ξ Pn e ik ξ Pn ( x x ξ )
+ B ξ Pn e ik ξ Pn ( x x ξ )
N ξ
W ξ
u y =
χ n ( y )
A ξ SVn e ik SVn ( x x ξ )
B SVn e ik SVn ( x x ξ ) ( k SVn ) χ n ( y )
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