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Figure 3.2 The weighting factor in the Landauer formula for thermal
conductance (Eq. 3.9).
thequantumofelectricalconductance g 0 = e 2
/ h , σ 0 isnotaconstant
but linearly proportional to the temperature. A ballistic transport
accompanied by a quantum of thermal conductance. It is easy to
prove that g 0 and σ 0 satisfy the Wiedemann-Franz Law:
σ 0
2 k B T
3 e 2
g 0 = π
= L 0 T .
The quantum of thermal conductance is universal, independent
of the characteristic of material. Moreover, it is also independent
of particle statistics (i.e., universal for fermions, bosons, and
anyons) [6]. The quantum of thermal conductance is first predicted
theoretically [5]. However, its experimental evidence is extremely
di cult, mainly because
1. Very low temperature is required for the observation of quan-
tized thermal conductance. At normal temperatures thermal
conductance will not be quantized, since a lot of phonon modes
are simultaneously excited and all of them contribute to thermal
conductance. It is necessary to decrease the temperature till
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