Environmental Engineering Reference
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Appendix B: Structure of Single-Walled Carbon
Here, the structure of SWNTs is briefly summarized. Figure B.1
shows the graphene layer and the primitive lattice vectors a 1 and
a 2 , which are defined as
3 a
3 a
, a
Here, a is the Bravais lattice constant, a = 3 a cc = 2.46A,
where a cc = 1.42A is the bond length between neighboring carbon
atoms. As seen in Fig. B1, an SWNT can be conceptually obtained by
folding the dashed line containing points O and B to the dashed line
containing point A and B'. An SWNT structure is characterized by
three geometrical parameters: the chiral vector C h , the translation
vector T , and thechiral angle
a 1 =
, a 2 =
, as shown inFig. B1.
The chiral vector C h or OA is expressed as
C h = n a 1 + m a 2 (B.2)
that connects two crystallographically equivalent carbon atoms on
the graphene. The SWNT structure is uniquely determined by the
pair of integer ( n , m ) in Eq. B2. Thus, an SWNT is described as
an ( n , m ) SWNT. For example, the circumference and diameter of
an ( n , m ) SWNT are giv en by the absolute val ue of chiral v ector
| C h | =
a n 2
a n 2
nm and d t = | C h | =
respectively. Other two geometrical parameters ( T and θ ) can be
alsodeterminedfromthechiralvector.Thechiralangle θ istheangle
between the chiral vector and the primitivelattice vector a1 :
m 2
m 2
C h · a 1
| C h || a 1 | =
2 n + m
2 n 2
cos θ =
+ nm + m 2
Due to the sixfold hexagonal symmetry of graphene, the chiral
angle is restricted to 0 θ 30 . Next, the translational vector T =
( t 1 , t 2 ) can bedetermined by the orthogonality condition:
C h · T = t 1 (2 n + m ) + t 2 (2 m + n ) = 0
Thus, the integers t 1 and t 2 are given as
2 m + n
g d
2 m + n
g d
T = ( t 1 , t 2 ) =
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