Travel Reference
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( 239-695-3299, 877-567-0679; ; 107 Camellia St; lodge $89-120, inn $99-219;
This family-run tropical inn serves good breakfasts in its small Ghost Orchid Grill. Plus it
operates some of the best nature trips around ( North American Canoe Tours ). Ivey offers
an entire range of package vacations (see the website), from day trips to six-day excursions
including lodging, tours and some meals; trips run from $300 to $2290.
Rod & Gun Club Lodge B&B
( 239-695-2101; ; 200 Riverside Dr; r Jul-mid-Oct $95, mid-Oct-Jun
$110-140; )
Built in the 1920s as a hunting lodge by Barron Collier (who needed a place to chill after
watching workers dig his Tamiami Trail), this masculine place, fronted by a lovely porch,
has a restaurant that serves anything that moves in them thar waters.
Triad Seafood Cafe SEAFOOD
( 239-695-0722; 401 School Dr; mains $9-16; 10:30am-6pm Sun-Thu, to 7pm Fri & Sat)
Triad is famous for its all-you-can-eat stone crab legs, but they serve up all kinds of sea-
food gleaned from the swamp and the sea (well, the Gulf of Mexico). Should you impress
the friendly owners with your ability to devour arthropod legs, you get the dubious honor
of having your picture hung on the Glutton Board.
Oyster House SEAFOOD
(on Chokoloskee Causeway; mains $8-22; 10am-11pm)
Besides serving the Everglades staples of excellent fried seafood and burgers, Oyster
House has a friendly bar with a screened-in porch where you can drink, slap mosquitoes
and have a chat with friendly local boozehounds.
Seafood Depot SEAFOOD
(102 Collier Ave; mains $6-20;
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