Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Car & Motorcycle
By far the most convenient and popular way to travel around Florida is by car. While it's
quite possible to avoid using a car on single-destination trips - to Miami, to Orlando theme
parks or to a self-contained beach resort - relying on public transit can be inconvenient for
even limited regional touring. Even smaller, tourist-friendly towns such as Naples, Sarasota
or St Augustine can be frustrating to negotiate without a car. Motorcycles are also popular
in Florida, given the flat roads and warm weather (summer rain excepted).
Automobile Associations
The American Automobile Association (AAA; 800-874-7532; ) has reciproc-
al agreements with several international auto clubs (check with AAA and bring your mem-
bership card). For members, AAA offers travel insurance, tour books, diagnostic centers for
used-car buyers and a greater number of regional offices, and it advocates politically for the
auto industry. It also has a handy online route planner that can help you calculate the exact
mileage and estimated fuel costs of your intended itinerary.
An ecofriendly alternative is the Better World Club , which donates 1% of earnings to as-
sist environmental cleanup; offers ecologically sensitive choices for services; and advoc-
ates politically for environmental causes. Better World also has a roadside-assistance pro-
gram for bicycles.
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