Information Technology Reference
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Objectives defined in terms of specific mea-
surable objectives or learning outcomes.
tively meeting the instructional goals and
objectives of the target learner?
Skills, knowledge and attitudes to be
Is it possible to accurately assess partici-
pant learning with the proposed course of
Resources and strategies to be utilized.
Structuring, sequencing, presentation, and
reinforcement of the content.
Unlike other branches of educations, e-
Learning in engineering education is a highly
complicated concept. Here are some important
points that the designer has to pay special attention:
Assessment methods matched to the learn-
ing objectives to ensure agreement be-
tween intended outcomes and assessment
Boring and weak instructional content
Joyce and Flowers list seven instructional
functions To show how to incorporate available
technology into your presentations (Colston, 2008;
Malachowski, 2002).
A technology which its application is dif-
ficult or unconfident
A culture which is not informed of e-
Learning or developing sorts of e-Learning
designs which are not consistent with the
culture. This point illustrates more in de-
veloping countries or the countries with
fewer internet users.
Informing the learner of the aims,
Presenting motivations,
Increasing learner interest,
Helping the learner review what they have
previously learned,
Providing conditions that will irritate
Negative responses indicate a need for revision.
Implementation is the presentation of the learning
experiences to the participants utilizing the appro-
priate media. Learning, skills or understanding, are
“demonstrated” to the participants, who practice
initially in a “safe” setting and then in the targeted
workspace. It may involve showing participants
how to make the best use of interactive learning
materials, presenting classroom instruction, or
coordinating and managing a distance-learning
program. The progress of the learning frequently
follows cyclic patterns based on motivation and
intention. Curriculum should be organized in a
spiral manner such that the participant continu-
ally builds upon what they have already learned.
During implementation, the plan is put into
action and a procedure for training the learner and
teacher is developed. Materials are delivered or
distributed to the student group. After delivery, the
effectiveness of the training materials is evaluated.
Determining order of learning,
Prompting and guiding the training.
The actual creation (production) of the content
and learning materials based on the Design phase.
Development is a process of creation and testing
of learning experiences and we tried to seek and
answer questions such as (Malachowski, 2002):
Have the learning needs and characteristics
of the participants been accurately analyzed?
Were the problem statement, the instruc-
tional goals and the instructional objectives
appropriate for the learning needs of the
To what extent are the teaching resources,
instructional strategies and the participant
learning experiences successful in effec-
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