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intranets. The specification of Web-based training
is the presenting of live contents, in a structure
allowing self-directed, self-paced instruction in
any topic (Kilby 2009).
The same as all other distance learning tech-
niques, WBT needs some indispensable compo-
nents which can be categorized in 3 groups:
Two basic components of web-based training
technology are Ideal Learners and Ideal Instruc-
tions. These are the delicate concepts of WBT
needing to be taken care for engineering educa-
tion. As Horton states an Ideal Learner is who
(Horton 2001):
Has definite goals
Instructional design
Opens to learn independently and view
learning prohibitively
Knowledge delivery techniques
Is self-disciplined and have good time
Specifications and examples of these com-
ponents are tabled in Table 1 (Bergstrom 2001;
Digitalthink 2003; Friesen 2004; IEEE 2005; Le@
rningFederation 2008; Ryder 2008; DCMI 2009;
IMS 2009). These are general concepts, details of
which need to be revised and upgraded according
to the demands in different educational fields.
Is moderately capable of field and know
basic concepts and facts
Has enough good writing skills
Has enough domination in computing
Has positive attitude toward technology in
business and learning
Is so relaxed while there is any technical
problem and can cope with these problems
6. WEB-BASEd trAInIng for
EngInEErIng StudEntS
An Ideal Engineering Learner in web-based
training system, in addition to above mentioned
items has to have notable skills in mathematics
be able to adapt himself with the group working
and the projects which are usually defined as
part of the learners assessment plan and schedule
of the course.
The most important and crucial aspect to
reach to an advantageous Ideal course is de-
termining learners needs. In an ideal course,
teaching is efficient. Precise objects are well
defined and the learner acquires new knowledge
by spending less time. Development process of
WBT is the other crucial concern. Using web-
based utilities, the designers can use several
models and modulus for instructional objects
(see Table 1).
The nature of WBT provides a remarkable
array of opportunities and technologies such as
XML (eXtensible Markup Language), Web Ser-
vices, Peer-to-Peer and many other approaches.
On the other hand there are many items in
Engineering education is in fact engineering
training, explained as the way of improving a
person's performance related to job environ-
ments by providing instructions. Intention, de-
signing, tools and media and assessment are usu-
ally the components of training programs which
can increase the effectiveness of the Engineering
training. Though, intent is the motivation and
willing to participate in parts of the training, the
design is the systematic structure of the train-
ing. It determines each step while the learners
go ahead with the new skills. It also includes
instructional strategies and related measurement
issues about these strategies. Tools and media
are the means of instruction transfer. It could
be a classroom, a web-based training system
or combinations of different tools. To finalize
the learning process, a formalized assessments
and certification provide accountability of the
training (YilDirim 2009).
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