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Upitis, G., Maziais, J., & Rudnevs, J. (2008).
Problen-Oriented E-tools for Studies in Mechani-
cal Engineering. Paper presented at the Engineer-
ing Education, Loughborough, England.
Yu, C. Y., & Shaw, D. T. (2006). Fostering Creativ-
ity and Innovation in Engineering Students. Paper
presented at the 2006 International Mechanical
Engineering Education Conference, joined Con-
ference by ASME and CMES, Beijing, China.
Vadillo, M. A., & Matute, H. (2009). Learning
in virtual environments: Some discrepancies be-
tween laboratory- and Internet-based research on
associative learning. Computers in Human Behav-
ior , 25 , 402-406. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2008.08.009
Here the concept of “general purpose” is re-
ferred to the possibility to use the software to
solve different problems in different courses
Wankat, P. C., Felder, R. m., Smith, K. S., &
Oreovicz, F. S. (2002). The scholarship of teach-
ing and learning in engineering . Washangton:
AAHE/Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement
of Teaching.
This is not the only existing algorithm but it
is quite used by researchers and the authors
do not want to present an exhaustive treatise
about DIC, but just introduce it as teaching
experience in engineering courses.
Willis, B. D. (1993). Distance Education- A
Practical Guide . Englewood Cliffs: Educational
Technology Publications.
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