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Step 2
target-function TF j , j = 1, …, n , and with U h ( t )
[ TF j ], h = 1, …, g [ TF j ] the estimated degrees of
importance of requirements RE h [ TF j ], h = 1, …,
g [ TF j ] at the moment t . There are denoted with
PC f [ TF j ], f = 1, …, d [ TF j ] the performance char-
acteristics related to the target-function TF j , j =
1, …, n . The estimated value weights of these
performance characteristics, at the moment t ,
are denoted with V f ( t )[ TF j ], f = 1, …, d [ TF j ] and
calculated with the formula:
In order to meet the business objectives, a set
of target-functions is further formulated TF =
{ TF 1 , TF 2 , …, TF n }, where n is the number of
target-functions. To see the consistency of the
target-functions with the business objectives, a
relationship matrix is worked out. It relates the
business objectives (located on the rows of the
matrix) with the target-functions (located on the
columns of the matrix) by means of the so-called
relationship coefficients (located at the intersec-
tions between the rows and the columns of the
matrix). The following categories of relationships
could exist: 0-no relationship; 1-weak/possible
relationship; 3-medium relationship; 9-strong
relationship; 27-very strong/critical relationship
(Brad, 2008). Along each column, at least a strong
relationship must exist such as the corresponding
target-function to be relevant. The estimated value
weight W j ( t ), j = 1, …, n , at the moment t , of each
target-function is calculated with the formula:
g TF
V t TF
( )[
U t TF b TF
( )[
d TF
where b lf [ TF j ], f = 1, …, d [ TF j ] are the relationship
coefficients of the planning matrix correspond-
ing to the target-function TF j , j = 1, …, n . The
value weights V f ( t )[ TF j ], f = 1, …, d [ TF j ] give
a perspective of the most relevant performance
characteristics in relation to the web-based course
with respect to the target-function TF j , j = 1, …,
n , at the moment t .
W t
( )
R t a
( )
Step 4
The correlations between performance charac-
teristics to the level of each target-function are
identified. The negative correlations are extracted.
A negative correlation between two performance
characteristics occurs when attempting to im-
prove one of the performance characteristics a
harmful effect is generated upon the other one.
Where negative correlations occur, innovation is
required to define mature solutions of the web-
based course. This kind of innovation is called in
this paper “performance characteristic-oriented
innovation.” TRIZ method is applied at this step
for each negative correlation in order to define
vectors of innovation of the web-based course.
where a kj , k = 1, …, m ; j = 1, …, n are the relation-
ship coefficients between the business objectives
and the target-functions. It is simple to deduce that
designing for life-cycle of a web-based course
requires consideration of various value weights of
the target-functions at various life-time moments.
Step 3
For each target-function, requirements are for-
mulated and ranked. For ranking, tools like AHP
could be also used. Further, measurable perfor-
mance characteristics are defined and related to
requirements. There are denoted with RE h [ TF j ],
h = 1, …, g [ TF j ] the requirements related to the
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