Agriculture Reference
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As: arsenic
BMPs: best management practices
ESs: ecosystem services
GHGs: greenhouses gases
HI: harvest index
INM: integrated nutrient management
N: nitrogen
NT: no-till
NUE: nutrient use efficiency
SA: South Asia
SOC: soil organic carbon
SQ: soil quality
SQI: soil quality index
SSA: sub-Saharan Africa
WUE: water use efficiency
WHC: water holding capacity
Akinnifesi, F.K., O.C. Ajayi, G. Sileshi, P.W. Chirwa, and J. Chianu. 2010. Fertiliser trees for
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Andrews, S.S., D.L. Karlen, and C.A. Cambardella. 2004. The soil management assessment
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Bationo, A., J. Andre, B. Vanlauwe, B. Waswa, and J. Kimetu. 2007. Soil organic carbon
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Batjes, N.H. 2006. Soil carbon stocks of Jordan and projected changes upon improved man-
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Breuer, L., J.A. Huisman, T. Keller, and H.G. Frede. 2006. Impact of conversion from crop-
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Celik, I. 2005. Land-use effects on organic matter and physical properties of soil in a southern
Mediterranean highland of Turkey. Soil Till Res 83:270-277.
Chen, X., Z. Cui, P.M. Vitousek et al. 2011. Integrated soil-crop system management for food
security. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 108:6399-6404.
Conant, R.T., G.R. Smith, and K. Paustian. 2003. Spatial variability of soil carbon in forested
and cultivated sites: implications for change detection. J Environ Quality 32:278-286.
Cotler, H. and M.P. Ortega-Larrocea. 2006. Effects of land use on soil erosion in a tropical dry
forest ecosystem, Chamela watershed, Mexico. Catena 65:107-117.
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