Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Ward, W.A. 1976a. The Bruno Criterion in Two Numeraires. Course Notes, CN-22 The
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Washington, DC.
Ward, W.A. 1976b. Adjusting for Over-Valued Local Currency: Shadow Exchange Rates and
Conversion Factors. Course Notes, CN-28, The International Bank for Reconstruction
and Development, Washington, DC.
Wolman, M.G. 1993. Soil Erosion and Crop Productivity: A World Wide Perspective. Paper
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and Food Security, A Spatial Perspective. In Land Quality, Agricultural Productivity
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Wright, B. 2011. Biofuels and Food Security: Time to Consider Safety Values? IPC Policy
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Zhao, F. 1988. Some new evidence on factors related to agricultural growth in the Third
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State University.
Zhao, F., F. Hitzhusen, and W. Chern. 1991. Impact and Implications of Price Policy and Land
Degradation on Agricultural Growth in Developing Countries. Agric Econ 5:311-324.
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