Agriculture Reference
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As demonstrated in the rapid reduction of deforestation in Brazil and other coun-
tries, the international community has a role to play to enhance sustainable land
management. But evidence shows that international efforts are more effective when
the national and local level policies and local institutions are conducive for sustain-
able land management. This remains a challenge in low income countries, but the
few success stories of progress in reducing land degradation in such countries pro-
vide hope for addressing land degradation in poor countries, where degradation is
most severe.
CBD: UN Convention on Biological Diversity
DSSAT: Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer
EKC: environmental Kuznet curve
GDP: gross domestic product
IFRI: International Forest Research Institute
IMR: infant mortality rate
ISFM: integrated soil fertility management
MENA: Middle East and North Africa
NDVI: normalized difference vegetation index
SLW M: sustainable land and water management
SSA: sub-Saharan Africa
TFP: total factor productivity
UNCCD: United Nations to Combat Desertification
Adam, T., C. Reij, T. Abdoulaye, M. Larwanou, and G. Tappan. 2006. Impacts des
Investissements dans la Gestion des Resources Naturalles (GRN) au Niger: Rapport de
Synthese . Niamey, Niger: Centre RĂ©gional d'Enseignement Specialise en Agriculture.
Aduayi, E., V. Chude, B. Adebusuyi, and S. Olayiwola. 2012. Fertilizer Use and Management
Practices for Crops in Nigeria. Third Edition. Abuja, Nigeria: Federal Fertilizer
Department, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
Akinnifesi, F., O.C. Ajayi, G. Sileshi, P.W. Chirwa, and J. Chianu. 2010. Fertiliser trees for
sustainable food security in the maize-based production systems of East and Southern
Africa. A review. Agron Sustain Dev , 30:615-629.
Bai, Z.G., D.L. Dent, L. Olsson, and M.E. Schaepman. 2008. Global Assessment of Land
Degradation and Improvement 1: Identification by Remote Sensing. Report 2008/01.
Rome/Wageningen: FAO/ISRIC.
Baland, J.M., P. Bardhan, S. Das, D. Mookherjee, and R. Sarkar. 2006. Managing the
Environmental Consequences of Growth: Forest Degradation in the Indian Mid-
Himalayas . Berkeley: University of California, Berkeley.
Bandyopadhyay, S., P. Shyamsundar, and A. Baccini. 2006. Forests, Biomass Use, and Poverty
in Malawi. Policy Research Working Paper 4068. Washington, DC: World Bank.
Basson, G. 2010. Sedimentation and Sustainable Use of Reservoirs and River Systems .
International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) Bulletin. http://www.waterpower .
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