Information Technology Reference
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Dr Nicholas Negroponte, are said to be used by more than one million children in
the world.
Here is its first blue print, drawn by Dr Kay Nishi and myself, in 2001. Just after we
made a presentation to MIT, they started this as a big policy project talking with the
US government and many governments in the world.
I gave the same presentation to the government of Japan in the same year, but I
was kicked out then by the bureaucracy of my own country. It may show that a 10
years' gap has existed between Japan and other countries like the USA. To change
the recognition of digital technology in my own country is another mission of mine.
We are developing digital textbooks, applications, tablet PCs, cloud network services,
etc. for schools. We are also leading experiments for digital learning, working with
local governments and many schools. We are also in steady consultation with the
government and politicians so that a new legal structure suitable for digital education
including copyright issue can be developed.
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