Hardware Reference
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All other protocols, such as soap , are handled by external commands located in $MINBASE/bin/xmit/
[protocol_name]/cmd . This combines the new protocol information (IP address and port) with all the parameters
from the original command, with the remote device name (column 4) in place of the original one, and passes it to the
appropriate cmd script. Here it is in geek parlance:
This command can then issue an appropriate network packet to the server listed. In the case of SOAP, a call
is made to minerva/marple/cmd.php where the arguments are extracted, and a brand new Bearskin command is
formulated like this:
function getCommand($cmd, $args) {
# in case someone tries exec'ing other programs, in different directories
# we'll try and stop them.
$cmd = str_replace("/", "", $cmd);
$cmd = str_replace("..", "", $cmd);
$minervaPath = "/usr/local/minerva";
$fullCommand ="$minervaPath/bin/$cmd $args";
return $fullCommand;
function marple($cmd, $args) {
$fullCommand = getCommand($cmd, $args);
$result = array();
exec($fullCommand, $result);
$rts = "";
foreach ( $result as $v ) {
$rts .= "$v\n";
return $rts;
$server = new SoapServer(null, array('uri' => "urn:// www.minervahome.net/marple "));
Note that the only commands available are under the /usr/local/minerva hierarchy, with all instances of
pruned out to stop malicious code from being run.
N If you add your own protocols but they're not addressed by an IP/port pair, then you can reappropriate the two
columns to your desires, provided your $MARPLEPROTOCOL/cmd script can understand them.
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