Hardware Reference
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10 GBP = 11.60 EUR 10 EUR = 8.62 GBP
11 GBP = 12.76 EUR 11 EUR = 9.48 GBP
12 GBP = 13.92 EUR 12 EUR = 10.34 GBP
13 GBP = 15.08 EUR 13 EUR = 11.20 GBP
14 GBP = 16.24 EUR 14 EUR = 12.07 GBP
15 GBP = 17.40 EUR 15 EUR = 12.93 GBP
16 GBP = 18.56 EUR 16 EUR = 13.79 GBP
17 GBP = 19.73 EUR 17 EUR = 14.65 GBP
18 GBP = 20.89 EUR 18 EUR = 15.51 GBP
19 GBP = 22.05 EUR 19 EUR = 16.38 GBP
20 GBP = 23.13 EUR 20 EUR = 17.30 GBP
From here, you can start expanding this into your HA setup by writing the data into a web page on your home
server with an “I spent this” button, to keep track of how much you spent while abroad. Or add an “I lent money to ... ”
button that connects to your contact list, so you can both settle up later in your native currency. As a tool, it is no better
than any of the other conversion apps or websites you might find, but when it is able to connect to your TODO list on
the same server, reminding you to pay someone back, or to revisit the bureau de change, the benefits become clear.
In all cases, you write the current data into a regularly updated log file, as you did with the weather status, for the
same reasons—that is, to prevent continually abusing someone elses servers. However, with the financial markets
changing more rapidly, you might want to update this file several times a day.
Other Public Sources
Many other organizations provide data services to the public; so many, in fact, that it would be impossible to list them
all here. Google, Amazon, and bit.ly all provide content to the public. Although a lot of it is interesting, such as the
comparison of European fuel prices, most data has limited application in a smart home environment.
Typical starting places include:
With third-party data source scrapers and sharers looking to become an ecosystem in its own right, it's no
surprise that people have been thinking about standardizing it, so that different scrapes can interact with a shared
meta-level API. The first foray into this is by:
This is a new technology that should be available to the public by the time this topic gets to press, so hopefully it
will provide a boon to those looking to discover and utlize more home automation data sets.
Private Data
Most of us have personal data on computers that are not owned or controlled by us. Even though the more concerned
of us 10 try to minimize this at every turn, it is often not possible or convenient to do so. Furthermore, there are
(now) many casual Linux users who are solely desktop-based and aren't interested in running their own remote
servers and will gladly store their contact information, diary, and e-mail on another computer. The convenience is
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