Geoscience Reference
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ln( z d 0 )
Fig. 2.9
Schematic illustration
of the m ean w ind
profile u = u ( z )inthe
dynamic sublayer and
in the atmospheric
surface layer (ASL,
also called the surface
ln( z 0 )
Mean velocity, u
Once again, integration yields a logarithmic profile as follows,
ln z 2
ku ρ
d 0
q 1
q 2 =
z 1
d 0
This result, combined with Equations (2.33) and (2.37), produces a mass transfer coeffi-
cient for water vapor; in the case where wind speed and specific humidity are measured
at the same two levels z 1 and z 2 one obtains Ce
2 ;itis
remarkable that this transfer coefficient has the same form as that for momentum, i.e.
ln[( z 2
d 0 )
( z 1
d 0 )]
Cd, as derived above. The fact, that under certain conditions transfer coefficients
of different admixtures in turbulent flow are the same, is also referred to as the Reynolds
analogy . The alternative form of Equation (2.43), when one of the specific humidity
values is taken at the surface, z
0, is
ln z
ku ρ
d 0
z 0v
q s
where q s is the value of q at the surface and z 0v is the (scalar) roughness for
water vapor (see Figure 2.10). In this case the transfer coefficient can be written as
k 2
, in which the subscript 2 refers to the height
of the wind measurement and the subscript 1 refers to that of the specific humidity. In this
formulation Ce would be equal to Cd only if the two roughness parameters z 0 and z 0v
have the same value, which is rarely the case above land.
It would be possible to define a similar logarithmic relationship between the tem-
perature and the surface sensible heat flux H ; however, since under neutral conditions
the temperature differences and the sensible heat flux are relatively small, this is not
very meaningful. In what follows under non-neutral conditions the scalar roughness for
sensible heat in the temperature profile will be denoted by z 0h .
/ {
ln[( z 2
d 0 )
z 0 ]ln[( z 1
d 0 )
z 0v ]
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