Geoscience Reference
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(cm h 1 )
t (h)
Fig. 12.4 Construction of the S hydrograph with the example unit hydrograph shown in Figure 12.1. Several
unit hydrographs are time-shifted by an amount D u = 2 h and then summed; this result (thin line)
simulates the outflow rate from the catchment, caused by a steady uniform input rate of x = 1 / D u =
0.5 cm h 1 . The S-hydrograph for a steady input rate of unit magnitude of 1 cm h 1 (heavy line) is
obtained by multiplying this sum by 2 (i.e. D u ).
input is to be a unit volume. Therefore, the superposed unit hydrographs must be scaled,
that is divided by this intensity (or multiplied by D u ), to obtain the S hydrograph for a
continuous input of unit intensity.
The main feature of the S hydrograph is that it allows the determination of the unit
hydrograph for any other adopted unit period, say D u . This is accomplished graphically
by time-shifting the S hydrograph D u time units to the right and by then subtracting
the time-shifted from the original S hydrograph. Again, however, because the unit volume
input pulse of duration D u must have an intensity equal to (1
D u ), the resulting difference
must be multiplied by this amount to produce the output resulting from a unit volume
input. Accordingly, the unit hydrograph for the new unit period is
D u
u ( D u ; t )
D u )]
[ S u ( t )
S u ( t
in which S u =
S u ( t ) is the S hydrograph.
Example 12.2. Scaling of the S and unit hydrographs
Consider again the 2 h unit hydrograph of Example 12.1, which is listed in Table 12.1 and
shown in Figure 12.1. The S hydrograph can be derived as follows. First the outflow rates
from several2hhydrographs, all of them time-shifted by 2 h, are summed; as illustrated
in Figure 12.4, this simulates the outflow rate from the catchment caused by a steady
rainfall excess rate of x
0.5 cm h 1 . To obtain the outflow rate resulting
D u )
1cmh 1 , this summed hydrograph must be
scaled by multiplying it by D u , which is 2 in the case of the 2 h unit hydrograph. This
from a steady uniform input rate of x
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