Geoscience Reference
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z +
z +
x +
x +
(a) t + = 0.013
(b) t
= 0.518
z +
z +
x +
x +
(d) t + = 4.762
(c) t + = 2.274
Fig. 10.4 Successive positions of the water table (dashed line) and of lines of equal hydraulic head
h + = h / D (solid lines), in an aquifer with D c + = 0 , B + = 1 . 0, ( aD ) 1
= 0 . 36,
n = 3 and b = 1 . 5. The indicated time values are scaled with [( θ 0 − θ r ) D ] / k 0 . (From Verma
and Brutsaert, 1970.)
represent some aspect of the transport in the partly saturated flow zone. However, the
numerical calculations show that the effect of a change in b alone is very small, and also
that the calculated outflow rates are relatively insensitive to changes in n of only a few
units. Because n and b usually vary within a modest range for most soils, they are relatively
unimportant as compared with ( aD ) 1 . This is illustrated in Figures 10.7, 10.8, 10.9 and
10.10. In Figures 10.9 and 10.10 the outflow rate is shown for an aquifer whose breadth B +
has been increased from 1 to 5. (The saturated two-dimensional case with a free surface (see
Section 10.2 below) is shown for comparison.) Comparing these two figures, one sees that
the difference between curve 1 and 2 decreases as B + increases. Thus the effect of decreasing
( aD ) 1 from 0.36 to 0.10 becomes less pronounced as B + increases. This suggests that in
nature, where the values of B + are usually much larger than the values considered here,
the effect of capillarity is likely to be even more pronounced than these numerical results
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