Geoscience Reference
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Table 2.1 Some physical constants
Dry air
Molecular weight: 28.966 g mol 1
Gas constant: R d =
04 J kg 1 K 1
1005 J kg 1 K 1
Specific heat: c pd =
716 J kg 1 K 1
Density: ρ = 1 . 2923 kg m 3
( p = 1013 . 25 hPa ,
c vd =
= 273 . 16 K)
Water vapor
Molecular weight: 18 . 016 g mol 1
Gas constant: R w = 461 . 5Jkg 1 K 1
Specific heat: c pw = 1846 J kg 1 K 1
c vw = 1386 J kg 1 K 1
Note . The values listed in Tables 2.1, 2.4 and 2.5, are adapted from
the Smithsonian Meteorological Tables (List, 1971), where the orig-
inal references are cited.
for dry air. Similarly, the density of water vapor is
0 . 622 e
R d T
ρ v =
where 0.622 = (18.016/28.966) is the ratio of the molecular weights of water and dry air.
The density of moist air from Equations (2.4) and (2.5) is
R d T
378 e
ρ =
showing that it is smaller than that of dry air at pressure p . This means that water vapor
stratification plays a role in determining the stability of the atmosphere. The equation of
state of moist air can be obtained by eliminating e from Equations (2.4) and (2.5)
p = ρ TR d (1 + 0 . 61 q )
This indicates that the air mixture behaves as a perfect gas provided it has a specific gas
R m = R d (1 + 0 . 61 q )
that is a function of the water vapor content. Therefore, Equation (2.7) is often expressed
p = R d ρ
where T V is the virtual temperature defined by
T V = (1 + 0 . 61 q ) T .
The virtual temperature is the temperature that dry air should have in order to have the same
density as moist air with given q , T and p .
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