Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 8.10 Blow-up sketch of a water-air interface in a cylindrical
capillary tube of inside radius R ; the radius of curvature of this
meniscus is r = R / cos α , in which α is the wetting angle. The
pressure in the water at the meniscus in the center of the tube is
p w = −γ w H c .
H c
Example 8.1. Special case of a capillary tube
In the case of the capillary tube, in which water is in contact with air at atmospheric
pressure, as illustrated in Figure 8.10, the pressure increase
p w ) in the tran-
sition from water to air equals the suction (i.e. negative pressure) in the water (
( p a
p w ). If
the radius of the tube R is small enough so that the interface can be assumed to have the
curvature of a sphere, the radii of curvature are both equal to R
is the
wetting angle of water with the glass. The wetting angle between water and quartz-like
materials and other soil minerals is usually (except in the presence of impurities) small;
the water pressure according to Equation (8.3) becomes then simply
, where
p w =−
R )at18 C when
both H c and R are in cm and the specific weight is constant. Equation (8.5) is valid for
the ideal case of a tube of circular cross section with a radius R . Figure 8.4 illustrates
how the water can be held in an analogous way in the pores of an irregular array of
particles; for such pores of irregular cross section, Equation (8.5) can be used to define
an effective radius: this is the radius R of a capillary tube of circular cross section, with
the same value of
and the capillary rise is H c =−
p w w (
H ) or roughly H c =
p w across its water-air interface.
Pore size distribution
In numerous studies the effective radius of curvature R of the air-water interface in a
pore, as used in Equation (8.5), has also been taken as a measure of the size of that
pore; by analogy with pipes with a circular cross section, R is usually taken to be equal
to twice the hydraulic radius R h , as defined in Equation (5.40), that is the ratio of the
cross-sectional area of the pore to its wetted perimeter. Equation (8.5) indicates that
the pressure drop across the air-water interface in any pore is inversely proportional
to the size of the pore. This means that with increasing negative pressures or suctions
= γ w H ) increasingly smaller pores are being emptied. The soil water characteristic
relates the suction H with the water content
p w (
, that is the water still left in the soil. Hence,
if it is assumed that at a given suction H all pores above size R are empty, the soil water
characteristic with (8.5) is equivalent with a cumulative pore size distribution. In other
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