Java Reference
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stage.setTitle("Metronome using TranslateTransition");;
Using the TranslateTransition Class
As shown in the following snippet from Listing 2-6, to create a TranslateTransition we're supplying values that are
reminiscent of the values that we used when creating a timeline in the previous example. For example, we're setting
autoReverse to true and cycleCount to Animation.INDEFINITE . Also, just as when creating a KeyFrame for a timeline,
we're supplying a duration and an interpolation type here as well.
In addition, we're supplying some values to properties that are specific to a TranslateTransition , namely fromX
and toX . These values are interpolated over the requested duration and assigned to the layoutX property of the node
controlled by the transition (in this case, the circle). If we also wanted to cause vertical movement, assigning values to
fromY and toY would cause interpolated values between them to be assigned to the layoutY property.
An alternative to supplying toX and toY values is to provide values to the byX and byY properties, which enables
you to specify the distance to travel in each direction rather than start and end points. Also, if you don't supply a value
for fromX , the interpolation will begin with the current value of the node's layoutX property. The same holds true for
fromY (if not supplied, the interpolation will begin with the value of layoutY ).
circle = new Circle(100, 50, 4, Color.BLUE);
TranslateTransition anim = new TranslateTransition(new Duration(1000.0), circle);
Controlling and Monitoring the Transition
The TranslateTransition class, as do all of the classes in Table 2-1 earlier, extends the javafx.animation.
Transition class, which in turn extends the Animation class. Because the Timeline class extends the Animation class,
as you can see by comparing Listings 2-5 and 2-6, all of the code for the buttons in this example is identical to that in
the previous example. Indeed, the functionality required to start, pause, resume, and stop an animation is defined on
the Animation class itself, and inherited by both the Translation classes as well as the Timeline class.
The MetronomePathTransition Example
As shown in Table 2-1 earlier, PathTransition is a transition class that enables you to move a node along
a defined geometric path. Figure 2-10 shows a screenshot of a version of the metronome example, named
MetronomePathTransition, that demonstrates how to use the PathTransition class.
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