Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 12
JavaFX on Embedded and Mobile
It's simple—you read the protocol and write the code.
—Bill Joy
Desktop systems and laptops have a prominent place in many environments. Both business applications and end-user
applications written in JavaFX can run on these systems. Although desktops and laptops remain big target markets,
there are other, emerging environments for client applications. In this chapter, we show how you can use your existing
JavaFX code to create applications for mobile and embedded systems.
OpenJFX, the Origin of the Code
At the JavaOne conference in 2011, Oracle announced that at some point, JavaFX would be completely open source.
It took a few years before all technical and legal issues were sorted out, but today, the whole JavaFX platform that you
use in your application development is based on open source code. The code for JavaFX is being developed in the
OpenJFX project which is a subproject of OpenJDK (see ) .
OpenJDK is the place where the Java Platform, Standard Edition itself is being developed as an open source
project. The OpenJDK project contains a number of projects, OpenJFX being one of them. It is important to realize
that although most contributors to OpenJDK are Oracle employees, the process is open to anyone. Apart from
Oracle, a number of large companies (e.g., IBM, Twitter, Apple) contribute code to OpenJDK, as well as a number of
individuals. Although reading the code is very easy, there is an intense process before anyone gets commit access to
the code base. Given the importance and the usage of the Java Platform, this is a reassuring thought.
The OpenJFX project inside OpenJDK contains all the code required to create the JavaFX Platform. Not only the
code is public, but the mailing lists and documentation parts are open as well. As a consequence, every developer is
allowed to read the discussions on architecture and implementation of the JavaFX Platform. One of the advantages
of this open character is that if you wonder why something in the JavaFX platform is the way it is, you can search for
it in the discussion lists. An important resource for information on OpenJFX is the OpenJFX wiki, which is located at . A screenshot of the landing page for this wiki is shown in
Figure 12-1 .
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